Motivational Style Checklist

12+ years

About the Checklist:

Brief-write up

Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and directs any goal-directed behaviours/activities. In simple terms, motivation is the driving force of your behaviour.
Understanding the motivational style of individuals will help in understanding why they do what they do. Research and Psychologists have proposed many factors that drive/influence any behaviour and have identified different types of motivation. Different types of motivation have a different effects on an individual’s behaviour.

The most popular motivational styles among individuals are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Let’s now understand what intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are:
Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that is from within. It is when an individual engages in any behaviours or activities as he/she finds them rewarding.
Extrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that is from outside. It is when an individual engages in any behaviours or activities to earn any external rewards or to avoid any punishment/repercussions.

Why use this checklist?

Eblity’s Motivational Style Checklist is adapted from Harter’s Motivational Orientation Scale and Attitsogbui’s Motivational Factors Questionnaire to identify the motivational styles of individuals on two domains: intrinsic and extrinsic.
By using this checklist both educators and caregivers will be able to accurately determine the motivational style of children in the classroom, home, and other settings and better understand the driving force or underlying cause of their behaviours/actions.

Who can use this checklist?

Parents, Caregivers Professionals, and Educators who are wanting to determine the motivational styles of your child.

Point to Note/Disclaimer

This checklist is an indication of the motivational style of your child in the current situation and at a given point in time. Motivational style can be influenced by your child’s interests, his/her mood, and other situational factors.

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Behavioral and General

